GAMM Student Chapter Bochum

General Assembly 2022

The very first general assembly has the following agenda:

Election of the new board

The new board is in charge from 1.11.2022 until 31.10.2023. There were 10 members present for the election including the old board. Hendrik Dorn was absent due to teaching commitments. However, the old treasurer, secretary and mailmaster gave a written statement to be available for re-election.


The following candidates have registered for election:

The election was unanimously decided for Hendrik Dorn.

Vice President

The following candidates have registered for election:

The election was unanimously decided for Dennis Ogiermann.


The following candidates have registered for election:

The election was unanimously decided for Maximilian Köhler.

Website of the GAMM Student Chapter

The gamm student chapter is currently setting up a website with content based on Markdown files. The board invites every member who knows Markdown and/or Julia to collaborate in the Git repository. It was decided to report the website to GAMM first, once it has a suitable URL.

Further Suggestions

It was asked which activities should be planned beyond our regular presentations.

  1. Softskill Presentations

  2. Company visits

  3. Eating together in the canteen

  4. Joint Christmas market visit

  5. Day trips with other student chapters

  6. Advertisement of the group in mailing lists

Imprint | CC BY-SA 4.0 GAMM Student Chapter Bochum.

Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.